On the eve of 2017, we wrap up the calendar year with one last instalment of Wheat Pete’s Word.
From a recent land price record, to so many questions on fertilizer timing, placement, and products, and finally on to a great deep dive into single and double cut clover, Johnson tackles alfalfa discussions, the true value of hay and nutrients, nutrients, nutrients in this week’s Word. Listen below!
Don’t forget to send Peter your questions, comments, plot results, etc! Leave a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Carved in stone rules for N?
- Starter fertilizer — if I put down dry 2×2 at planting, should I put liquid in furrow? What about phos-availability products?
- Two of the same crop in a row = 10% to 15% yield loss in the second year
- Wheat is protein. Remember this! Because protein requires N.
Cover Crops
- Tips for red clover on spring wheat
- Singe cut vs. double cut planted in the fall vs. spring planting — what’s the difference?
- Selling cover crops as hay — don’t give away your nutrients!
- Alfalfa vs. clover: timing, tips, and stems per acre (not plants per acre)
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