Getting Your Farm Succession Unstuck


The process of transitioning a farm business from one generation to the next is often filled with obstacles and patches where progress seemingly bogs down in the mud.

Generally, the stickiest areas are the ones that come with the potential for conflict, explains farm family business coach Elaine Froese, in the interview below.

“The two biggest things I see in agriculture keeping people not doing what they want to do are procrastination and conflict avoidance,” she notes.

Elaine describes the age decades in farm transition:
20s – gaining independence
30s – mastery and success
40s – taking power and control
50s – quality of life
60s – starting over again
70s+ – legacy and blessing
Calling a meeting for a face-to-face discussion is still the most effective way to communicate, she says, but if that’s a challenge, writing a letter to convey your perspective can also help both sides address an obstacle.

Elaine sat down with us following her presentation at the FarmTech Conference in Edmonton to chat about “getting unstuck,” communicating the different priorities for each generation, how Facebook can be used as a tool and more:

Related: The Three C’s for Managing Conflict in Farm Families


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