If you want that good looking winter wheat field to deliver top yields don’t skimp on sulphur this spring.
That’s the key message agronomist Peter Johnson has for growers in the latest episode of Real Agriculture Wheat School. Johnson explains that 10 pounds per acre is sufficient for growers targeting 100 bushel per acre wheat, but if the field has higher yield potential, it’s best to bump up the rate. “If you want that good looking field to hit 125 to 130 bushels, it will need 15 to 20 pounds per acre,” says Johnson.
“When applying sulphur this spring make sure it goes on with the first application, or both, if you are splitting,” says Johnson. He also recommends applying sulphur regardless of how much manure you apply. “If it’s a cool, backward spring the manure sulphur does not become available early enough,” he notes. “Put 10 lbs on even if it has manure. And if you have a crop with really big potential, it’s 15 to 20 lbs.”
Click here for more Wheat School episodes.
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