Today’s show features a new segment called Farmer Rapid Fire, where we catch up with five farmers across Canada on how seeding/planting is going (or not going.) We hear from Kevin Serfas, Danny Ottenbreit, Gunter Jochum, Steve Twynstra, and Phil Shaw (Phil also offers his Raptors’ playoff analysis.)
We also hear from Brett Anderson, senior meteorologist with Accuweather, explaining the company’s forecast for a hot, dry summer in much of western Canada, and above normal temperatures in Ontario.
From there we catch up with Kevin Zaychuk of 20/20 Seed Labs, riding a bus somewhere down in Brazil, and we wrap up with a bang, as Wheat Pete answers your agronomy questions and covers everything from fall-seeded spring wheat in Manitoba to why you need to scout for rusts (yes, plural) now.
Catch RealAg Radio every weekday afternoon at 4pm eastern on Rural Radio Channel 147 on SiriusXM (and the replay at 7am eastern the following day!)
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