Are you looking to step up your fusarium control measures this spring?
In this episode of RealAgriculture Wheat School, resident agronomist Peter Johnson reviews the basics of managing fusarium in Ontario’s wheat crop and also offers some tips on how growers can elevate their control efforts.
For Johnson, effective fusarium control starts with the basics: timing fungicide application between Day 2 and Day 5 or 6 of heading; and ensuring you spray when the wind is below 15 km to ensure both sides of the head is painted.
Johnson notes that the three fungicide options available to growers – Prosaro, Caramba and Proline – provide similar fusarium control, but the Proline label provides a rate range rather than a specific rate. Both Johnson and University of Guelph’s Dr. David Hooker agree that spraying the high rate of Proline around Day 5 or Day 6 does provide an option for better control for growers determined to meet market needs for higher quality wheat.
Find out more in the video below, and click here for more Wheat School episodes.
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