ClimateCorp bringing its agronomic data platform to Canada


The wealth of information available to producers though digital ag platforms has created some on-farm data management issues. A survey earlier this year shows most producers are gathering agronomic data electronically, but many are not yet using that data for management purposes.

Could that change, as companies try to make it easier to put data to work?

A digital ag platform that’s caught on in the U.S. with more than 100,000 farmers is finally coming to Canada after two years south of the border.

The platform, called Climate FieldView, gives producers the ability to collect, visualize, and analyze their field data in one centralized platform. It’s meant to simplify data management and use. Farmers own their data, including the data they generate on their farming equipment.

Climate FieldView, owned by The Climate Corporation (a subsidiary of Monsanto), was introduced last September at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show. It’s available this year for the first time in Eastern Canada, and is being tested in western Canada this summer for a future launch there.

Key to the platform is a device called FieldView Drive that transfers field data from producers’ onboard monitoring equipment to their Climate FieldView account.

Denise Hockaday, Climate Corporation’s commercial lead for Canada, says FieldView Drive captures key planting data. That includes hybrid and planting population, as well as key harvest data such as yield. It displays it digitally in a farmer’s Climate FieldView account, as the farmer passes through the field.

Hockaday says this enables farmers to understand hybrid performance by field, and population with side-by-side views of as-planted and yield data.

FieldView Drive will work with many tractors and combines. Field data can also be connected to users’ accounts through Precision Planting’s 20/20 monitors. And it offers the option of cloud-to-cloud connection with many other agricultural software systems, as well as manual file upload.

Field data can also be connected to users’ accounts through Precision Planting’s 20/20 monitors. Hockaday says the termination of the sale of Climate’s Precision Planting equipment business to Deere & Company, as reported last month by RealAgriculture, will have no impact on current customers’ ability to stream data from their equipment to Climate FieldView.

For eastern Canada, the company says the Climate FieldView platform offers these features yield analysis tools for seed performance by field and hybrid, to better understand field variability by quickly and easily comparing digital field maps side-by-side.

It also offers high-resolution imagery with vegetative data from multiple images, in addition to advanced cloud identification. Hockaday says farmers can drop geo-located scouting pins on field health images and navigate back to those spots for a closer look, or share with agronomists and others.

Finally, the system makes field-level weather available — historical, real-time and forecasted.

The Climate FieldView system costs $999. For this summer, farmers can try free field-level weather insights, including notifications and scouting, as well as advanced satellite imagery, on two trial fields.

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