RealAg Radio, July 25: Independent retailers, BRM review, & dining at The Keg


Tuesday’s edition of RealAg Radio, hosted by Shaun Haney and Kelvin Heppner — highlights:

  • Neil Douglas of Univar discussing the future of independent retailers, in light of consolidation among larger crop input suppliers;
  • Mark Brock, chair of Grain Farmers of Ontario, on the changes to AgriInvest and AgriStability, and the promised review of BRM programs announced by federal and provincial ag ministers;
  • U.S. crop ratings continue to slide as spring wheat tour begins;
  • National food policy survey extended — who are the 22,000+ people that have responded?;
  • Canadian Cattlemen’s Ass’n calling for federal help for ranchers affected by B.C. wildfires;
  • Canadian government reportedly drawing a hard line on maintaining dispute settlement mechanism in NAFTA.

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