How did you celebrate wheat and barley marketing freedom day?


Farmers across Western Canada celebrated on Tuesday as it was the fifth anniversary of farmers gaining marketing freedom for wheat and barley, formerly known as ‘board grains’. On August 1, 2012 farmers were given control of marketing their own farm production. Wheat and barley no longer had to be sold through the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk, which created obstacles for proper cash flow, among other issues.

As you will see below a majority of farmers on social media celebrated, but there are some that still do not like the new marketing freedom and feel farmers were served an injustice by the Harper government.

Former PM Harper at the Walde farm on August 1, 2012.

Here is a collection of some of the tweets discussing the five-year anniversary of ‘marketing freedom day.’

In the most unique uses for a cheque, Wade McAllister of Alberta shows off the last payment they ever got from the CWB. It is encased in a frame to be a reminder every year of a different time in wheat marketing.

Daryl Fransoo, a Western Wheat Growers director, wishes everyone all the best.

Keith Fournier, farmer at Lone Rock, Saskatchewan, noted farming is always changing, and it was time to move on:

Southern Alberta farmer Matt Stanford describes the day as liberating.

Here is a picture of current Grain Growers President Jeff Nielsen celebrating five years ago with then Ag Minister Gerry Ritz. You will remember that Jeff was once a CWB director.

It was not all happy thoughts today as the CWB Alliance Twitter account was not in the kindest of moods.

Did you cry or celebrate on marketing freedom day? Let us know by sharing your thoughts.


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