RealAg Radio, August 18: Cattle outlook, NAFTA optimism, & listener feedback


Friday’s RealAg Radio podcast, hosted by Shaun Haney and Kelvin Heppner — highlights:

  • Colin Woodall of NCBA on why they’re optimistic beef trade will not be hurt in the NAFTA renegotiation;
  • David Wiens, vice-president of Dairy Farmers of Canada, in Washington, noting allies in U.S. dairy;
  • Don Close, senior animal protein analyst with Rabobank, on the future of U.S. cattle herd expansion and global cattle supply/demand outlook;
  • Highlights from this week’s listener feedback.

Join us for RealAg Radio every weekday at 4pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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