RealAg Radio, August 21: Wheat seeding dates, high corn yields, and Real Wheat Farmers


Agronomy Monday edition of RealAg Radio, with Shaun Haney — highlights:

  • RealAg Agronomist looks at wheat seeding dates for spring wheat and winter wheat, and looking at how that impacts yield;
  • Dr. Dave Hooker with the University of Guelph talks about what is driving corn yields higher in Ontario over the past number of years? Is it genetics, is it farmer practices?;
  • A special feature called “Real Wheat Farmers” as a part of our Wheat School series. Peter Johnson talks to a wheat farmer that has some insanely high wheat yields this year, you definitely want to listen to that story! ;
  •  This week the farm journal crop tour is underway – you can follow it all on twitter, #fjtour17 ;

Join us for RealAg Radio every weekday at 4pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM.

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