RealAg Radio, August 23: NAFTA, TPP, and farm journal crop tour updates


Wednesday’s edition of RealAg Radio, hosted by Shaun Haney highlights:

  • President Donald Trump and what his thoughts are on NAFTA;
  • Crop conditions across some of the southern parts of the Canadian prairies – harvest is going way too fast, and crops that don’t typically come off for a few more weeks are already off and in the bin – what does that mean for yields, and for feed prices?;
  • Matthew Pot from Grain Perspectives talking about the farm journal crop tour that is going on – what has been the impact on the market, how is the market responding to some of the news, and more. You can follow the tour on twitter at #fjtour17;
  • Kelvin caught up with Carlo Dade with the Canada West Foundation at the Canadian Beef Industry Conference in Calgary about the TPP, and why Canada needs to be a part of it, and why it is maybe better without the U.S. involved;

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