RealAg Radio, August 7: Ag in Motion (replay)


We hope you’re enjoying the August long weekend, whether the fact it’s a long weekend changes anything for you or not, with it being harvest season in some areas.

Today’s show is a replay of the July 18th program, recorded at Ag in Motion near Langham, Saskatchewan.


  • DOT Power Platform autonomous machine officially unveiled at Ag in Motion;
  • Ag ministers meeting in St. Johns this week hoping to reach deal on next ag policy framework;
  • Blaine Woycheshin of Bayer on Sell the Swather and new canola varieties;
  • Dwight Nichol of DLN AgVentures on dryness, canola, wheat, pulse and oat markets.

Join RealAg Radio every weekday at 4pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM. We’ll be on-location from the Agroliquid booth at Ag in Motion on Wednesday.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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