RealAg Radio, August 9: USDA preview, ballpark announcing, & is Canada stalling on the TPP?


Wednesday’s edition of RealAg Radio, with Shaun Haney and Kelvin Heppner — highlights:

  • Arlan Suderman, chief commodities economist with INTL FC Stone, previews Thursday’s USDA report — where will corn and soybean yields end up? Also — has the wheat market fully accounted for drought in the Canadian prairies?
  • Is Canada intentionally dragging its feet on the Trans-Pacific Partnership without the U.S.?
  • Some serious discussions needed to determine the future of dicamba technology in the coming months;
  • Shaun’s next career: baseball PA announcer.

Catch RealAg Radio every weekday at 4pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM!

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