Sonny Perdue still positive on NAFTA talks for agriculture


U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue visited the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois on Wednesday, where he scrummed with the media and was pressed on the fact that there are mixed messages coming from the White House on trade.

As Canada, the U.S. and Mexico head into round two of NAFTA talks this weekend, President Donald Trump has continued threatening to terminate the trilateral trade agreement. At the same time, U.S. agriculture continues calling for — and is being assured of — a “do no harm” approach. Perdue was asked if agriculture should start getting concerned about President Trump’s intentions with NAFTA.

Kelvin Heppner, RealAgriculture field editor and RealAg Radio co-host, was part of the scrum, and recorded Perdue responding to questions about NAFTA:

Back in spring when the President wanted to pull out of NAFTA, the story goes that Sonny Perdue convinced the President otherwise with maps and data showcasing how it would negatively impact agriculture and more specifically some of his very important base that won him the election.  Time will tell if Perdue can hold the US side together as the rhetoric fighting between Mexico and the grows in hostility.

Perdue may need a few more maps.


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