RealAg Radio, Sept 21: CETA, satellites and surveys


This episode of RealAg Radio starts off talking…you guessed it — football. But co-hosts Shaun Haney and Kelvin Heppner aren’t just great sports commentators. In this show:

  • Top News: An update on SK crop conditions, CETA Day, discrepancies in proposed tax change messages, lobbying MPs, the upcoming pulse export deadline, and, of course, NAFTA.
  • Brian Comeault, Cargill joins to talk: marketing pulses, better-than-expected yields, and the accuracy of the StatsCan satellite-based model report.
  • Boyd Bergstrom, NuFarm Canada discusses Valtera as a fall-applied, group 14 product, that can be applied the autumn preceding lentils (among other crops).
  • Peter Johnson, RealAg resident agronomist covers topics ranging from double cobs of corn to red leaves on soybeans.

Join us for RealAg Radio every weekday at 4pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM!

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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