Co-hosts Shaun Haney and Kelvin Heppner are back for this Wednesday edition of the show. In this episode:
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have a bit of a problem, as the U.S. seems to be lowering corporate taxes while the federal government here is moving in the opposite direction.
- Syngenta to pay close to $1.5 billion in genetically modified corn trade issue.
- Farm groups are optimistic about third round of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) discussions — Kelvin talks to Brian Innes, president of the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, and Cam Dahl, president of Cereals Canada.
- Isabelle Bouchard, Dairy Farmers of Canada, says dairy hasn’t been mentioned in the NAFTA discussions in Ottawa so far, “…but the third round is not over yet.”
- How to properly prepare your combine for winter storage.
- Gregory Sekulic, Canola Council of Canada, talks turtlenecks and pollinator health, stating that the USDA, StatsCan and UNFAO all report increases in colony numbers.
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