How do you grow a farm leader? SeCan and their seed customers are doing it one dollar at a time.
Entering its fifth year, the SeCan Grow A Leader program has now contributed more than $200,000 to 4-H in Canada. Last month, the company presented a cheque for $64,880 to 4-H, representing $1 from every unit of soybean seed SeCan growers ordered during a 2016 early order week and subsequently planted.
“4-H needs our support and each club is able to use that money in its own way,” says SeCan communications manager Brenda Trask. Some of the money goes to provincial 4-H groups to co-ordinate programs, but 60 percent of the funds filter down to county associations and local clubs.
“That means farmers will be contributing to 4-H in their local area,” adds Trask.
This year, Grow A Leader will contribute $1 for every unit of seed ordered during the week of Oct 9 to 16. The program is limited to Roundup Ready 2 Yield and Xtend soybeans.
“We get wonderful thank-you letters from 4-H cubs telling us what they’ve done with the money,” says Trask who notes that the program has helped fund everything from tack boxes used by 4-H participants at livestock shows such as the Royal Winter Fair to transportation for field days.
“The bottom line is what we’re doing is helping young people,” says Trask. “4-H youth are going to be the leaders of tomorrow.”
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