In this episode of The Word, host Peter Johnson takes us through questions around corn, big wind, soil testing, fall fertility, wheat, alfalfa and red clover.
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address? Or some yield results to send in? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- 00:55 – Some yield and plot data coming in.
- 01:35 – Unbelievable corn yields. Some reports of 275 bu/ac, others of 150 bu/ac spread.
- 02:35 – Amazing what has happened from a moisture perspective for corn grain and silage moisture.
- 05:00 – An explanation on corn drying.
- 06:33 – A great deal of lodging in corn. “All you can do is harvest as quickly as you can.”
- 07:10 – More mature plants didn’t seem to be as hurt by the frost as shorter ones.
- 07:50 – Wind on the prairies – is there any kind of calculation how much organic matter is lost to these extreme winds?
- 09:10 – How much reside do I have to add to increase organic matter by one percent?
- 10:30 – Johnson’s thoughts on base saturation levels and ratios.
- 11:20 – DAP vs MAP
- 11:40 – Nutrient composition of wood.
- 12:20 – Applying nutrients for winter wheat.
- 13:00 – Wheat after canola is a good rotation — one of the best!
- 13:13 – Is November winter wheat better than frost-seeded spring wheat?
- 13:45 – What’s the impact on nitrogen credit if you harvest clover for greenfeed?
- 14:15 – There is no absolute with the critical fall harvest period. And, does alfalfa stop growing when it gets two nights of -2C and lower?
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