Micron Woman and the world of spray droplets


You just finished a great spray day. Your timing and product choice were bang-on, the weather was good, and your sprayer was calibrated.

But do you know what happened to the spray once it left the nozzle?

The Spray Guys — Jason Deveau and Tom Wolf — find out in this premiere episode of Micron Woman. It all starts when an accident in their lab during a solar eclipse shrinks our spray sleuths and brings them face to face with a mighty new heroine: Micron Woman.

In this tiny comic book world, Micron Woman shows the dynamic duo how spray droplets behave and how they interact with the target before our heroes return to their own world to enjoy microwave popcorn.

You can check out this adventure and catch more spray tips with Deveau and Wolf at Sprayers101.com. If you enjoy the video, be sure to check out the comic book – it’s fun and a great guide to understanding spray droplets.

You can also watch the Spray Guys in their Exploding Spray Myths series.


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