Host Shaun Haney starts off the show with some feedback from Twitter (included below), then:
- Top Ag News, with Kelvin Heppner.
- RockyTalk – Jim Wood, Rocky Mountain Equipment, joins the show to take a look at Q4 and the machinery business.
- What does the new legislation for gun control mean for rural Canada? Is it really just an open door to a return to the long-gun registry? Mark Holland, parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness joins RealAgriculture’s Kelvin Heppner.
- Buying or Selling – Shaun and Kelvin play a new game, starting it off talking railways and the Canadian dollar.
Join us for RealAg Radio every weekday at 4 pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM.
Your thoughts:
Great initiative with a lot of hidden agendas…I hope to see some process where producers or there groups can participate. It will affect the cost of how we interact with the seed industry down the road. I don’t see that in the mode yet….
— Kent Erickson (@tek2541) March 20, 2018
So the most important step right now is getting C49 passed and keep working at improving the whole system as we go forward. We can’t wait to get a bill that gets everything right the first time.
— Günter Jochum? (@gmjochum) March 20, 2018
Many farm families left east/west europe because we couldn’t own land and were farming poor. now 109years later we are headed back down that road. Land sales are 2-3x the productive capability of the land. Doesn’t make sense.
— Devon Walker (@Walkerfarm306) March 21, 2018
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