TechTour: Compensating for sprayer boom sway right down to each nozzle


When spraying it’s inevitable that there will be some swaying along the boom, where parts of the boom move faster or slower relative to other parts, resulting in uneven application rates.

German agricultural machinery company Amazone, together with Dutch spraying company Rometron, have developed a precision spray application system that compensates for changes in horizontal movement along the spray boom, in two ways.

First, the SwingStop Pro uses two hydraulic cylinders in the centre of the boom to counteract swing movements.

Second, software and acceleration sensors calculate the relative speed of each individual nozzle in relation to the speed of the sprayer. With this information, the nozzle system, which features pulse width frequency modulation, adjusts the output of individual nozzles within milliseconds. If, for example, the nozzle is found to be moving faster than the sprayer, the system increases the flow rate of the spray agent at that nozzle.

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Amazone’s Frederike Kregel joined RealAgriculture at Agritechnica, in Hanover, Germany, to talk about the SwingStop Pro, which received a silver innovation medal at the show.

And if adjustments to horizontal movement aren’t enough, the system also works in conjuction with ContourControl boom guidance, which corrects the height of boom sections based on six ultrasonic sensors.

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