RealAg Radio, May 30: Rail strike, sprayer care & limit up live cattle


Wednesday’s edition of RealAg Radio, with host Shaun Haney leading things off talking about superstitions that may or may not bring rain. From there:

  • Top ag news with Kelvin Heppner, including the quick resolution to the CP Rail strike; NAFTA news; new farm income and debt info; and Ag Minister MacAulay’s comments on farmers’ support for a carbon tax;
  • Joel Hoehn, service manager with Rocky Mountain Equipment, shares practical advice for in-season sprayer maintenance as part of this week’s Rocky Talk; and
  • Chip Flory, host of AgriTalk and AgriTalk After the Bell, on why wheat markets are under pressure, and cattle futures moved limit up today.

Join us for RealAg Radio every weekday at 4 pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM.

Send your thoughts and feedback to Shaun ([email protected]) or Kelvin ([email protected]), or tweet us using #RealAgRadio.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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