We know that peas do not compete very well against weeds. They need some help, especially early on.
At the recent Agriculture In Motion field day that was held near Langham, Sask., BASF had a plot to showcase weed control strategies in pulses. In this episode of the Pulse School, field editor Kelvin Heppner talks to Bethany Wyatt, with BASF about some of the things they are trying so that peas can achieve maximum yield potential.
Wyatt says using a burn-off treatment that contains a residual sets up the crop for higher yields. “Anytime you are able to remove any of the early season weeds especially, those are the weeds that are going to impact yield most, by far.”
Wyatt says the residual plays a very important part. “It’s going to keep the peas, overall weed-free longer and be able to have a more successful in-crop. So the combination of those two things is going to allow for overall increased yield.”
Wyatt says the plot demonstrates a fairly straight forward point. In order to achieve the highest yields a spring burn-off will get peas off to a strong start. If the burn-off has a residual component it will control late flushing weeds and allow the peas to establish a strong stand. When these two factors have been employed then the in-season control will be more effective and allow the peas to attain the highest yields.
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