RealAg Radio, Aug 1: Happy new (crop) year!


On the August 1 edition of RealAg Radio:

  • The start of a new month and crop year means there’s a flurry of news to talk about, including BASF closing its deal with Bayer, the Canadian Grain Commission announcing plans for its $130 million user fee surplus, the Flax Council of Canada restructuring, Henk Schuurmans’ inspiring plan to resume the Canadian Milk Tour, and more.
  • Carlo Dade of the Canada West Foundation discusses the latest developments around NAFTA and whether Canada was really “frozen” out of the U.S.-Mexico meeting this week.

RealAg Radio airs every weekday afternoon at 4:30 pm eastern on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM!


Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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