RealAg Radio, August 22: Crop tour results, soybean compensation, and Saskatchewan’s new ag minister


On Wednesday’s show, with host Shaun Haney:

  • Top ag news, with Kelvin Heppner, including new packaging for animal crackers (seriously), possible progress on NAFTA negotiations, and reported details about tariff war compensation for U.S. soybean growers.
  • Rocky Talk — Chad Moskal of Rocky Mountain Equipment on combine optimization and how the settings are important not only for maximizing grain in the hopper, but also for data collection
  • Chip Flory joins Shaun for an update from the ProFarmer Crop Tour, discussing yield estimates and trade war compensation package
  • David Marit, the new minister of agriculture for Saskatchewan, sits down with Jessika Guse

RealAg Radio airs every weekday at 4:30pm eastern (2:30pm mountain) on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM (and replays the following weekday at 7am eastern!).

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