RealAg Radio, Sept 13: The U.S. crop grows, electrostatic spraying, and veggies in Ontario


It’s day three at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show, and that’s where you’ll find host Shaun Haney at the  Climate Fieldview booth for today’s show.

Although it’s been partly cloudy for the day at the farm show, that doesn’t mean our guests can’t brighten up your day. On today’s show you’ll hear from:

  • Mathew Pot from Grain Perspectives with highlights from the USDA report released on Wednesday
  • Denise Hockaday, who leads Climate Fieldview in Canada, speaking about where folks are using their products coast to coast, along with how growers can dive into their data
  • Cathy Lennon, general manager of the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers, explains what they’re all about and if the vegetable processing sector is growing
  • Today’s product spotlight features Rene Mabon and Eric Gregory from BrettYoung describe how a new clubroot pathotype is popping up in Alberta, and how old resistance won’t do the trick to get rid of it
  • Electrostatic sprayer, sounds cool right? Jason Deveau from OMAFRA dives into the why you might want to consider it

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RealAg Radio airs every weekday at 4:30 p.m. ET (2:30 p.m. MT) on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM!  


Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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