First time since 2015: BSE found in Scotland


A case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was found in Scotland this past week, in the area of Aberdeenshire.

This is the first time of a recorded case of BSE in the UK since 2015. Back then, there was a case found in Wales.

“I have activated the Scottish Government’s response plan to protect our valuable farming industry, including establishing a precautionary movement ban being placed on the farm,” says Rural Economy Secretary, Fergus Ewing, in a news release.

It’s still unknown if the animal was young or old, and further tests are needed to identify the origin of where the disease came from. In the meantime, precautionary movement restrictions have been put in place at the farm.

The cow did not enter the human food chain and Food Standards Scotland have confirmed there is no risk to human health as a result of this isolated case.



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