Premiers Ford and Moe sign MOU to decrease interprovincial trade barriers


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The premiers of Saskatchewan and Ontario have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the intention of improving and increasing trade between the two provinces.

According to a just-released report, Sizing Up Provincial Trade Barriers, from BMO Capital Markets, the impact from free interprovincial trade could amount to $50 billion in total in ten years. For Ontario alone, the report suggests the net positive addition to output would build to a range of $15-$20 billion.

Premier Doug Ford today hosted Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe at Queen’s Park Monday to discuss ways their respective governments can further cooperate and encourage job creation in both provinces. While details are limited, Moe did mention in a live announcement that the provinces would first focus on harmonizing regulations, where applicable, in an effort to decrease interprovincial trade barriers.

Also discussed was the court challenge of the federal government’s imposed carbon tax, slated for April 2019. Ford and Moe called on the federal government to delay implementation of the tax scheme until after the challenge had been heard in court.


“This is what being ‘open for business’ is all about. While the federal government dreams up new ways to tax you, we’re thinking about new ways to create jobs. I am so proud to have a partner like Premier Moe work with us to make new jobs, new investment, and new growth a reality in both provinces. We’re going to lead where Ottawa has failed and begin bilateral discussions to knock down our own interprovincial trade barriers. ” — Ontario Premier Doug Ford

“Saskatchewan and Ontario stand united in our fight against the carbon tax. We also stand united in acknowledging the importance of the trade relationship between our provinces, and I am pleased to join Premier Ford to discuss how we can continue lowering interprovincial trade barriers.” — Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe


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