Having control of inventory is a constant concern for all small business owners, including farmers. When you have multiple fuel types, multiple users, and tanks that are accessible to anyone that drives through the yard, fuel inventory management can become one of your biggest concerns — and one of your most expensive.
Which is most likely part of the reason why IntraGrain Technologies won an innovation award at this year’s Agri-Trade at Red Deer, Alberta. RealAgriculture’s Dale Leftwich spoke with Landon Fahlman, IntraGrain’s product development manager, about the various applications of the award-winning Fuel Lock.
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On the face of it, it seems like a fairly simple device. According to Fahlman, “It’s an automatic locking device for fuel tanks that sends power out when it is unlocked and locks it up when it’s locked.”
When you look at the data it can generate, what started out looking simple all of a sudden becomes as complex as you need it.
“Now we have a product that will keep track of employees, what time they filled, and what type of fuel (they used),” he says. “You’re able to set device hours, when the device will be active, and suspend employee pins.”
In 2019 IntraGrain will add the function of an equipment ID and tracking system, as well as level monitoring, and litre readout.
For more stories from the Agri-Trade follow this link.
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