CN, CP both exceed grain revenue entitlements; ordered to pay 5% penalty


The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) has determined  that both the Canadian National Railway Company (CN) and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company (CP) have gone over the allowed grain revenue entitlement for the 2017-18 crop year.

By the numbers, CN’s grain revenue of $788,062,078 was $1,047,285 above its entitlement, while
CP’s grain revenue of $709,499,416 was $1,500,513 above its entitlement.

Both companies now have 30 days to pay the overage amount, in addition to a five per cent penalty of $52,364 for CN and $75,026 for CP. The money will be given to the Western Grains Research Foundation, a farmer-financed and directed organization set up to fund research that benefits Prairie farmers.

In total, both companies moved a total of 40,618,285 tonnes of grain, six per cent less grain compared to last crop year.

Categories: Logistics / News


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