Like Bachman Turner Overdrive says, you’re “Taking care of business and working overtime,” — but do you take time to care for you?
In this episode of Mind Your Farm Business, Chip Eichelberger, renowned motivational speaker, explains the importance of taking care of yourself in order to succeed in your business.
Reflecting back on an event where he spoke with more than 300 farmers in the crowd, he asked them, “What’s your number one asset in your operation?” Eichelberger says most would answer their land, equipment, or hired hands.
“What I say, is you know, it’s you! Taking great care of yourself, your health, your vitality is your number one asset,” he says noting towards having an “end game.” Whether that be to have a certain amount of land, to be debt free, to live until your great-grandchild takes over the farm — whatever it be, have a goal and stick to it by taking care of yourself.
Thinking back to his time of working with Tony Robbins, Eichelberger says he heard Robbins say the vast majority, about 76 per cent, of people are going to die of preventable diseases. From there, he thought about he can do proactively every day to take better care of himself.
Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but it all comes down to having that mindset and to create a goal. And taking care of you isn’t an either or — it doesn’t mean you take care of you and ignore your business, it means taking care of your physical health is good for your business health, too.
Listen to episode 35 of the Mind Your Farm Business podcast to learn about how taking care of yourself can help excel your business.
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