Wheat Pete’s Word, Dec 12: Waiting on clover, cereal rye timing, phosphorus no-nos, and $12 beans


It’s nearly Christmas and finally — finally! — corn harvest is done for many, but there are actually many acres of soybeans still yet to be harvested in Ontario. Could soybean seeding be impacted? It’s quite possible given some fields that are still left out are seed crops.

Peter Johnson, host of Wheat Pete’s Word, is talking soybean, corn, clover credits, cereal rye timing, and sigh yes, corn crop destruction on this week’s episode.

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address? Or some yield results to send in? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Pete’s an agronomist, not a market analyst, but hey, are you going to look a market reminder gift horse in the mouth? I sure hope not, so remember to look at what markets are up to and lock in some profit, if you can.
  • Beans are still out — and the majority of them are IP or seed, what does that mean for seed supplies? Well, there will be some varieties with tight seed supplies. Order early, friends, and avoid disappointment
  • IP beans are being accepted at higher moisture than normal, still some decent samples out there. So talk to your buyer.
  • Trucks, logistics, labour, oh my. Finding trucks to move the crop is a huge challenge. What do we do about it? Transport, new rules, there will be a session  at SouthWest Ag conference — huge issue. We need to talk about it.
  • Plough down of clover — should i leave it to spring to get more N? What about taking a spring cut for forage? Two things — yes, late April kill will give you 20 to 30 pounds more per acre of N, BUT taking a forage cut really wouldn’t happen until the end of May, and so you lose too much corn yield to late planting.
  • Cereal rye into cornstalks even now…non-manured fields, should I add phosphorus? Broadcast phosphorus is NOT a best management practice, especially this time of year. The risk of movement off the field is just too high. Why does broadcast P on soybean work better? Because the demand is later! In general, put your P down. Full stop.
  • Are you planting soybeans into cereal rye? Soy into cereal rye and everything is d-e-d, V1 to V3 yield impact is actually quite minimal, but remember 10% stand reduction into cereal rye
  • Can you set fire to the high DON corn crop? Please no. Also, no, geese won’t eat enough to knock back volunteers. Check out this Corn School for more on crop destruction.

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