The Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission (SaskCanola) awarded Zenneth Faye its Canola Influencer Award earlier this week at the commission’s annual general meeting.
Faye is being recognized for his pioneering work in Saskatchewan farm organizations and value-added industries. He served on the commission’s board and the board of the Saskatchewan Canola Growers Association in its early days. He remembers when board members had to co-sign loans for the organization so that the bills could be paid and the doors remain open. But he and the other farmers were committed, and “if you’re committed to something you put your whole heart into it and your bank account,” he says.
Faye knew how important stable funding would be if the industry was to grow, so he worked very hard to establish a commission funded by farmer-paid levies. When SaskCanola was established, he served as its first chair.
Faye has also had a keen interest in adding value to agriculture products, before they leave the province or Canada. To this end he has been very active in promoting bio-fuels, and helped establish Milligan Bio-tech (the first commercial Canola bio-diesel plant in Canada). Faye is sometimes referred to as Mr. Bio-Diesel.
Listen below to hear Zenneth Faye speak to reporters after accepting the award.
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