RealAg Radio, April 23: Pork processing company sold, tomato contract woes, and USMCA impacts


RealAg Radio is back with a new show after the Easter break.

Today’s show includes:

  • Jessika Guse with the top ag news stories of the day;
  • Claude Vielfoure, president of Hylife, on the company’s sale to a Thailand-based company;
  • Cathy Lennon, of the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers, on the Ontario government’s unexpected changes to the pricing system in the province; and,
  • Kelsey Johnson, of iPolitics, on solving China’s canola issues, the International Trade Commission’s report on USMCA impacts, and Canada’s USMCA ratification plan.

Have feedback? Story idea? Connect with host Shaun Haney via email [email protected] and be sure to stay up to date with the lastest in agriculture news on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (@realagriculture). Be sure to use the hashtag #realagradio.

RealAg Radio airs every weekday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. ET (2:30 p.m. MT) on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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