RealAg Radio, May 14: Mackay reflects on her time at CCFI, and trade war implications on Canadian farmers


It’s Tuesday and today on RealAg Radio, host, Shaun Haney has the following guests on the show:

  • RealAgriculture news lead, Jessika Guse has the top ag news stories of the day;
  • Crystal Mackay, former president and CEO of the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity reflects on her time with the organization; and,
  • Jon Driedger of FarmLink Canada discusses Canada’s ties to the U.S. and China trade war.

Do you love corn? Maybe soybeans or canola is more your cup of tea… Well head over to RealAgriculture’s Series section to watch the latest videos with those who have the best knowledge in the industry!

RealAg Radio airs every weekday at 4:30 p.m. ET (2:30 p.m. MT) on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM! Get involved with the show by calling the RealAg Radio listener line (855-776-6147) and via Twitter by using the hashtag, #RealAgRadio.

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