RealAg Radio, May 29: C-100, ‘mudding in beans’ and flea beetle feeding


Let’s talk burgers. After yesterday’s episode, host Shaun Haney starts off with some of your responses to National Hamburger Day (tweets included below the audio).

Then, in the rest of today’s show:

  • Top ag news with RealAgriculture’s Jessika Guse.
  • Buying or Selling – This week Guse is behind the questions. Take a listen to what, exactly, Haney believes about:
    • Canada mending ties with China by the end of summer,
    • A Canadian version of MFP for farmers,
    • Shaving his head for the rain, and
    • Robotic agriculture in the near future.
  • Eastern Canadian agronomy decisions and challenges with Steph Kowalski of Agromart Group.
  • Frost, with Errin Willenborg, agronomist with Federated Co-op Ltd.

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RealAg Radio airs every weekday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. ET (2:30 p.m. MT) on Rural Radio 147 on SiriusXM.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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