Mind Your Farm Business — Ep. 42: The impact of women in agriculture


Behind the scenes, to front and centre, women have always played a critical role in farming and in the agriculture industry.

In this episode of Mind Your Farm Business, host Shaun Haney speaks with three women from unique backgrounds and stages of their careers,  to talk about their perspective on the challenges and opportunities that have led to their success. Hear from Sandi Brock, sheep and grain farmer at Staffa, Ont., Fiona Jochum, grain farmer from St. Francis Xavier, Man., and Anne Wasko, beef market analyst and rancher at East End, Sask.

From a discussion on what’s driving the increased focus on women in agriculture, to serving on boards, mentoring and leadership, and on to the role technology has made in maximizing strengths and a booming industry full of opportunity, Brock, Jochum, and Wasko share their insight and perspective on the role of women in agriculture.

Listen below to the perspective of three individuals for their perspective on leadership, inclusion, agriculture, challenges, and success:

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