Farmers across Canada will have five new fungicides in their disease management toolbox in 2020.
This week, Syngenta Canada rolled out Miravis, a new fungicide umbrella brand that will offer five new products growers can use to fight disease in a range of crops.
In this video, Eric Phillips, Syngenta Canada’s fungicides and insecticides product lead, explains how a new active, adepidyn, will be formulated with existing products to provide growers with new disease management options in corn, wheat, pulses, fruiting vegetables and leafy vegetables including small fruit and vine crops. Phillips adds that adepidyn, a Group 7 chemistry, will deliver reliable results for growers struggling to control yield-robbing diseases such as fusarium head blight, sclerotinia, and botrytis.
Miravis Neo, the corn fungicide, combines adepidyn with propiconazole and azoxystrobin. It will be sprayed on a limited number of corn acres in 2019. The remaining brands will debut in 2020. (Story continues after the video.)
Topping the label claims for Miravis Neo will be suppression of fusarium head blight for control of gibberella ear rot. The fungicide label will also carry registrations for powdery mildew, white mould, and key leaf and stalk diseases, including anthracnose, northern corn leaf blight, rust, and eye spot.
Syngenta agronomy service representative Steve Johns says the immediate difference growers will notice is the wide application window. With the addition of adepidyn’s fusarium suppression, growers can apply the fungicide at silking and get gibberella control consistent with other leading products currently available as well as leaf disease control that can carry the crop through the grain fill period to harvest.
Syngenta’s commercial products lead Sam Livesey feels the story is similar for wheat. He says adepidyn allows Syngenta to deliver a new product, Miravis Ace, which delivers fusarium management combined with leaf disease protection to drive wheat yields. “I think that’s pretty exciting for Canadian farmers,” notes Livesey.
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