Canadian telecommunications company Telus has acquired a second agriculture company, Decisive Farming. Although some were keen to point out the new logo on the Decisive Farming website, including the phrase ‘powered by TELUS’ the purchase was confirmed today by Decisive Farming spokesperson, Breanne Baker.
“Yes, Decisive Farming has joined the TELUS family,” she wrote in an email.
The following statement was also issued:
TELUS is making a commitment to help the industry that our food system is built on. They believe strongly in business having a social purpose. They aren’t just a telecom company, they know technology and how to bring solutions together in new ways, making things easier while leveraging the power of information. We remain committed to bringing farmers new solutions that help them collaborate, make timely decisions and achieve improved profitability. The Decisive team is excited to join TELUS and share more information in the near future.
Details of the acquisition will be released at a later date according to TELUS’s public relation manger, Doug Self.
“We are excited to welcome the Decisive team to TELUS and look forward to sharing more information in the near future,” he says.