Finding a path through depression: Joe Pillitteri


Life changed for business owner, comedian, and philanthropist Joe Pillitteri in 2008, when he suffered what he calls a “full breakdown.”

“I had bought the business the year before, and in 2008, as everyone remembers, the economy just kind of tanked, and so did the business — or at least I felt it did — and I did this thing where I’d just start crying every day, and not go to work.”

Pillitteri says his lows at the time were “unspeakably low,” but family, and the inspiration of Terry Fox helped to change that.

Pillitteri ran his first Terry Fox run that year, raising $385. He’s run it every year since, for a total contribution of roughly $280,000.

At work, Pillitteri believes in speaking directly, and constructively, about problems, and focusing on the good.

“We really focus on a culture of positivity in our workplace, and we don’t fake it. We legitimately ask about, and care about everyone that works with us.”

In his personal life, Pillitteri supports his mental health by regularly going to the gym, and meditating 15 minutes per day.

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