Recirculating booms, PWM, and favourite nozzles — a Q & A with Tom Wolf


This week’s RealAgriculture LIVE segment features Tom Wolf of Agrimetrix, Sprayers 101, and Spray Myths fame, answering all the tough questions ahead of the growing season.

From nozzle selection, water volume in dry conditions, herbicide resistance, and if he has a favourite nozzle, RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney and Tom cover a lot of ground (get it?) in this video.

Tom also discusses recirculating booms, including retrofits, stewardship and responsibility of farmers, and saving time at refill. Watch below!

Don’t miss our next Q and A live on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter with Jon Driedger with Leftfield Commodity Research, at 1 pm (mountain) on Thursday, April 23!


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