RealAg Radio, July 20: Relay cropping, kochia management, and planting soybeans


It’s time for RealAg Radio, and seeing as it’s Monday, we’ve got a great lineup of all things agronomy for you. You’ll hear:

  • Jason Mauck, CEO of Constant Canopy, on relay cropping;
  • Horst Bohner of Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), on planting depth of soybeans;
  • Lewis Baarda of Farming Smarter on kochia management; and
  • Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson on an agronomic overview — with, of course, some focus on wheat!

Tune in at 430 Eastern every Monday to Friday on Rural Radio channel 137 on Sirius XM radio to hear RealAg Radio! Got a comment, story idea, or question?  Call the Listener Line at 1-855-776-6147 and hit 3! 

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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