New cereal fungicide offers wider application window


Bayer has announced the registration of a new product called TilMOR, a replacement for Folicur EW in its cereal fungicide portfolio.

The new product is registered for use on wheat, barley, and oats, and can be applied from flag leaf to heading stages, to control leaf disease and suppress fusarium head blight.

“For cereal growers, fungicide timing is everything,” says Mark Alberts, grower and channel marketing manager for cereals at Bayer. “TilMOR makes fungicide timing easier, especially in barley, as it works great at flag leaf and heading. For growers, it is another tool in their toolbox to tackle tough leaf diseases, while protecting plant quality, yield, and profitability.”

TilMOR contains tebuconazole and prothioconazole, a long-lasting Group 3 active ingredient. “Prothioconazole is an active ingredient in many of our fungicide products because it moves slower through the plant to offer longer residual control,” says Alberts. “Tebuconazole moves quicker through the plant, so the combination of these two actives in TilMOR ensure the crop gets the protection it needs quickly in those early days, with more emphasis on longer-lasting control.”

If TilMOR is applied for leaf diseases, farmers can follow up with an application of Prosaro XTR for fusarium head blight protection. TilMOR will be available in 2021.


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