Secure data, agronomy alerts, and getting started with big data — a LIVE! with Denise Hockaday


If you feel that not yet being on the precision farming or big data wagon means you’re too late, today’s LIVE! guest has two words for you: just begin.

Denise Hockaday, with Climate Fieldview, says that the platform can be as simple or as complex as you need, and that there’s no wrong time to hop on.

Don’t miss RealAg LIVE! weekdays on social media at 1 pm M/3 pm E!


  • Data, data, data. Let’s talk security and ownership first
  • Accessing aggregated but anonymous data
  • What about benchmarking?
  • Farming is a team sport. There are so many who can help, but first need to see at least some of your data
  • Before platforms like Fieldview, so many thumb drives would get shared. What about that security? Yikes! It could be lost, corrupted, shared with the wrong person, left in a drawer, etc.
  • You can turn permission on and off with your data
  • It’s saved on the cloud, too
  • Computer crashes! Or a smashed tablet. Cloud tech decreases that risk
  • Crop sensing capabilities and alerts — hail event, for example. “Hey, go check that field.”
  • Weather info, too. Season to date, rain events, and more.
  • Notification settings: Email or text.
  • How difficult is it to share information and can I customize what I share and don’t share? It’s easy, and yes!
  • Best advice: “Just begin.”
  • You don’t have to start with all aspects of the platform, but just get started
  • There is also a team that can help
  • If you haven’t started yet, you’re not behind
  • What about development: how do you serve the simple and the complex? Broad spectrum of customers, and some want a significant amount of data and levels of complexity, others want the basics.
  • What about looking ahead?
  • Are we still judging the success by an “acres signed up” metric?
  • Let’s wrap up with data privacy: is my data safe and who owns it? Do I have access at any time? You own your data, you decide who it is shared with, and it is secure.

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