In the pursuit of continuous learning, you’ve got to change things up every now and then.
For this episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson applies that concept to weed control and fertilizer rates and placement. There’s also plenty of discussion on the tried-and-true things we know too, like the danger of apply manure on wheat this late in the year.
Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].
- Stay positive, while testing negative
- $13 soybeans! Sell them all!
- Old crop is at $15. Wowzers. Take that profit.
- Hey, have you checked out The Agronomists yet? Monday nights at 8 pm E, LIVE on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube
- Franck Dayan, Colorado State University: If something is working well, change. WHAT? Resistance management for weeds, we mean.
- Nature bats last, y’all.
- Corn on corn isn’t ideal, but same corn hybrid on same corn hybrid? Even worse! It’s all about what the variety or hybrid is susceptible to.
- Spreading liquid manure on frozen ground. Stop! No.
- What about spreading on wheat right now? Don’t do it! And not just because of run-off. The salt content melts any snow on soil and the salt will collect at the crown or growth point. Do not apply manure on wheat this time of year.
- Roll wheat in the spring to stimulate tillering? You need to damage it enough to damage the apical dominance of the main stem. Pretty risky. You could roll to push the rocks in, though.
- Beautiful wheat crop now…but with some ruts and ponding. How long does the wheat have? Well, this time of year, the wheat is dormant. Very slow respiration, which means it can likely sit under water for a few weeks.
- Does fert on both sides of the corn row make a difference? Back in the 90s, a PhD research project on this found no real difference.
- The big thing is nutrient uptake. Tony Vyn looked at nutrient uptake of corn, 150 bu vs 300 bu corn doesn’t need twice the nutrient uptake – it needs 10x! (uptake, not application, remember)
- Are you already at the high yields? Might be worth it.
- Strip-till series led by Ian McDonald and Ben Rosser, brought up the question of if you need to top a 2×2 band if you’ve fertilized the strips. In a cold, wet spring the 2×2 and the strip may offer a benefit. Relay fertilizer idea.
- Matching nutrient input and output to keep your soil healthy, too!
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