Wheat Pete’s Word, Jan 27: Clover magic, spring potash, base hits, and birthday songs


From yield results, to clover benefits, and on to potash, this week’s Word is full of the regular fare you’re used to. But new for this week is something you’ve probably never heard before — a song and a name for Pete’s pick-me-ups.

Checking in with neighbours, ultra early seeding, and barley fertility are all up for discussion on this week’s Word, too. Listen now below, or download for later!

Have a question you’d like Johnson to address or some yield results to send in? Disagree with something he’s said? Leave him a message at 1-888-746-3311, send him a tweet (@wheatpete), or email him at [email protected].


  • Happy birthday to our friend in Australia! (Please don’t get used to Wheat Pete’s singing on the Word)
  • This extra 15 minutes and reminder to be kind is taking on a life of its own and that is what we’re here for
  • You can still help and spread goodwill in your community, even in a lock down. Get creative!
  • Cinderella zone corn crop results, but be careful to generalize
  • Sometimes not following Pete’s advice works out. That’s OK too
  • What happens to soil microbes when you till? This is what happens. Quick read!
  • Get caught up on new road rules
  • 2021 soybean prices – hit some singles and doubles, not the home runs. Take some profits.
  • And sometimes you get hit by a pitch (like Wheat Pete did)
  • Is it time to seed?! If the soil is warm, and it’s dry…might be time to roll (in southern Alberta)
  • What about red clover in late January? There’s no snow in some areas. Think about where the growing point lives (in B.C., in Ontario, no matter what)
  • Red clover goes down, means I expect a corn yield bump. YUP, you should. Seven bushels possibly.
  • What about oats, take as forage, and go in to corn the next year, add N, and still expect the yield bump? Nope. Red clover adds some magic other than N
  • Compaction and root growth: they CAN grow through compaction, but the root “chooses” not to. All comes down to ethylene, which is a hormone and a stress reaction.
  • Compacted areas are low in oxygen, microbes, and water
  • Potash on soybeans — is it OK to apply the year of? 70 ppm soil test, it’s low. Spread in the spring, the soybeans will responds. Here’s a Soybean School on the topic!
  • 100 pounds of MAP with the seed for wheat in Sask., should I do the same with barley? What about K?  Barley responds before wheat does.

Other Episodes

Wheat Pete's Word (view all) Season 7 (2021) Episode 48


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