World Pulses Day creates awareness of the global food


Since 2019, the United Nations General Assembly (UN) decided to dedicate a day to celebrate all things pulses: World Pulses Day!

The goal of the day — which falls annually on February 10 — is to increase awareness of the global food and its role in sustainable food production. The theme for World Pulses Day 2021 is #LovePulses.

According to the UN, World Pulses Day also seeks to maintain momentum gained from 2016, the International Year of Pulses, announced by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The celebration is also a recognition of the decisive role that pulses can play in achieving the comprehensive, far-reaching, and people-centred set of universal and transformative goals and targets of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — a plan of action that seeks to strengthen universal peace.

What is your favourite pulse crop, and why? Send us a tweet @realagriculture, and join in the #WorldPulsesDay conversation— we’d love to see your responses!



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