PIC investing into non-GM soybean ingredient and oil processing


Protein Industries Canada (PIC) has announced a partnership that will develop and commercialize non-GM soybean protein ingredients.

Canada Protein Ingredients Ltd (CPI), DJ Hendrick International, Agrocorp Processing, Semences Prograin, and Synthesis Network have partnered to produce high-quality soybean protein ingredients.

The $27.3 million project will result in an innovative proprietary process to produce soybean ingredients and oil that comply with non-GM and organic labelling standards. CPI will process the crops at a brand-new, first-of-its-kind facility, expected to break ground in the next 18 months.

Semences Prograin will develop and test new non-GM soybean varieties, optimized for Canadian growing conditions. DJ Hendrick International and Agrocorp Processing will assist in developing, testing, and marketing the new product to international markets. CPI will contribute approximately $20 million to the project, and the consortium members will be met by $7.3 million from PIC.

Farmers will receive premiums for growing specialty crops, and food manufacturers will benefit from having local ingredients, that currently can only be imported, as there is currently no soybean protein isolate or concentrate manufacturing capacity in Canada.

Bill Greuel, chief executive officer of PIC, says helping Canada rise from being a commodity supplier to a world-renowned supplied of plant-based ingredients is part of PIC’s mission.

“This project is yet another step we take in that direction. Harnessing the potential of new crop varieties developed and grown in Canada generates more opportunities across our entire value chain, from farmers to food manufacturers,” Greuel explains.

The project is currently at the site selection stage, and once completed, the commercial plant will process 25,000 MT of crops per year, with the potential to increase capacity and expand to other crops.


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