We’ve got a Farmer Rapid Fire for you on today’s RealAg Radio! You’ll hear from:
- Shawn Shill of Arthur, Ont. who’s busy moving grain, doing shop work, and is looking forward to #plant2021;
- Landon Friesen of Crystal City, Man. who got a sunburn yesterday;
- A product spotlight with AGI about their sponsorship of the Brier, and a contest!;
- Jake Leguee of Filmore, Sask. who’s thinking there’s another cold snap heading his way and is hoping for more moisture; and,
- Jordon Kolk of Iron Springs, Alta. who’s a newcomer to the Farmer Rapid Fire.
Thoughts on something we talked about on the show? Connect with host Shaun Haney via email [email protected], on Twitter by using the hashtag #RealAgRadio, or give us a shout on the listener line, 1-855-776-6147.
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