RealAg Radio, March 8: Inoculant storage, sprayer technology, and more on Agronomic Monday


Welcome to this Monday edition of RealAg Radio.

On today’s episode we have an agronomic Monday theme where you’ll hear:

  • Ashley Smith of BASF Canada, on pulse crop inoculant storage;
  • Joel Basinger of John Deere, on new sprayer technology;
  • Since a new episode of The Agronomists airs tonight, we’ll have a replay of our planter setup episode from last week featuring Dale Cowan of AGRIS Coop and Matt Chapple of PRIDE Seeds. It should be good prep for tonight’s episode on seeder setup!

Thoughts on something we talked about on the show? Connect with host Shaun Haney via email [email protected], on Twitter by using the hashtag #RealAgRadio, or give us a shout on the listener line, 1-855-776-6147.

Categories: Podcasts / RealAg Radio

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